What Is Kratom? A Beginners Guide

what is kratom

Do you want to use Kratom but wondering how to use it or how it works? With the variety of strains and consumption methods, it is important to know how to use Kratom products safely and effectively. In this article, we have included all the essential information about Kratom that is important to know for a new user. From the types of Kratom to its benefits and drawbacks, we covered it all. So, keep reading.

Kratom, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa is a native plant in Southeast Asia. This plant belongs to the Rubiaceae family, which is the same family as coffee. The locals in Southeast Asia have been using Kratom leaves for centuries. Kratom is popular because of its health benefits like pain relief, improving mood, and energy.

In this Article:

History Of Kratom:

The history of Kratom begins in Southeast Asia. Countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea. People in these regions used Kratom from centuries for different purposes.

Local healers and shamans used Kratom leaves to treat diseases like fever, digestive issues, and infections. Farmers and laborers often chewed Kratom leaves to increase productivity during their long working hours in the fields. In some communities, Kratom was used in social and religious ceremonies. Kratom leaves were often shared among community members as a sign of hospitality.

Until the 19th century, Kratom is unknown outside the Southeast Asia. During this period, Dutch and British colonialists, botanists, and explorers documented Kratom in their reports on Southeast Asian flora. The Dutch botanist Pieter Korthals first described this plant and named it Mitragyna Speciosa because it’s similar to the bishop’s mitre. By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Kratom began to attract scientific interest. Researchers studied its pharmacological properties and medical uses. In the latter half of the 20th century, Kratom gained popularity beyond Southeast Asia, particularly in the United States and Europe.

Types of Kratom

Types of Kratom:

As a new user, it is important to understand the types of Kratom and their effects to choose the right product for your needs.

There are 38 variants of Kratom starins available in the market. But, Red vein Kratom, White vein Kratom, and Green vein Kratom are the most popular one. The type of Kratom is identified depending on the color of veins in the leaves. And each type of vein or Kratom type has its own different effects and uses.

1. Red Vein Kratom: Red vein Kratom is the most popular type of Kratom. It is known for its calming and pain-relieving effects. Red vein Kratom can help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation when you consume it in the right amount.

2. Green Vein Kratom: The Green vein Kratom is primarily used for getting energy and pain relief. It can also help you improve your mood by reducing depression and anxiety.

3. White Vein Kratom: White vein Kratom is mostly used for its mood-enhancing effects. It is also used as a natural alternative of coffee to boost energy. Consuming white bein Kratom can also boost up your productivity.

How Kratom Works?

Kratom helps to provide health benefits because of their active ingredients. Mitragynine (alkaloids) and 7-Hydroxymitragynine are the primary active ingredients in the Kratom. These ingredients interact with the body’s receptors to provide instant pain relief or mood enhancement.

Common Uses and Benefits Of Kratom:

Kratom is a widely used herb for health and wellness applications. Here are some of the uses and benefits of using Kratom.

  • Pain Relief:

Most of the people primarily use Kratom because it instantly helps to reduce pain. Its active ingredients help to relieve stress without the risk of respiratory depression. This makes Kratom the best alternative for people who are managing chronic pain conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and back pain.

  • Energy and Focus:

The white vein and green vein Kratom are known to improve focus, concentration, and mental clarity. When you take lower doses of Kratom, it provides a natural boost of energy. Many users said that Kratom is helpful for increasing productivity.

  • Mood Enhancement:

For people facing symptoms of depression and anxiety, Kratom can act like a mood regulation medicine. It can help the user feel more positive and motivated. Using Kratom is beneficial to use for people with mood disorders.

  • Relaxation and Anxiety Relief:

Using Kratom can help the users to get rid of all the stress by providing a calming effect. This can help to improve the overall sleep quality of the consumer. The lower doses of White Vein Kratom can provide relaxation. While higher doses of Red Vein Kratom can provide calming and sedative effects.

  • Enhanced Well-Being:

The regular usage of Kratom (obviously in moderate amount) can help the users to enhance their overall well-being. Using Kratom is beneficial for users who want to enhance their general quality of life.

Ways To Consume Kratom For Beginners:

Kratom is available in different forms like powder, capsules, extracts, gummies, tablets, and shorts. Users can consume Kratom depending on their needs and preferences to get desired benefits.

Dosage Guidelines for Beginners:

As a new user, it is important to start consuming Kratom with a low dose. After consumption wait for about an hour to identify effects before consuming more. Starting with a low dose can help you identify your tolerance and avoid any side effects.

  • Low Dose (1-2 grams): Suitable for mild energy boost and focus.
  • Moderate Dose (2-5 grams): Suitable for pain relief, mood enhancement, and moderate stimulation.
  • High Dose (5-8 grams): Suitable for pain relief, relaxation, and sedative effects.

If you want to find out the correct dosage for your body it is important try the doses from lower and note down your doses with their effects. This will help you identify the right amount of dosage for yourself.

Methods of Consumption For Beginners:

  1. Tea: Making Kratom tea is a popular method.
    • Strain the liquid into a cup and add honey or lemon to improve the taste.
  2. Toss and Wash: This method involves directly placing the Kratom powder in the mouth and drinking it with water or juice.
    • This method is quick but can be challenging due to the taste and texture of the powder.
  3. Capsules: Capsules can be convenient for new users.
    • If you want to avoid the taste of Kratom, consuming capsules is the best way.
  4. Mixing with Food or Drinks: You can mix Kratom powder into foods or drinks to avoid its bitter taste.
    • Smoothies: Blend Kratom powder with fruits, yogurt, and juice.
    • Yogurt: Stir Kratom powder into yogurt.
    • Applesauce: Mix Kratom powder into applesauce for a quick and easy consumption method.

Effects and Risks Of Consuming Kratom:

As a new user it is important to know the side effects of consuming Kratom to make an informed decision while buying and consuming Kratom.

i. Common Side Effects Of Consuming Kratom:

  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Dry Mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Headache

If you experience any of these side effects after consumption you need to reduce your Kratom dosage.

ii. Risk of Dependency and Addiction:

If you consume higher doses of Kratom regularly there is a risk of dependency and addiction.

With regular consumption, users can develop a tolerance. Tolerance means requiring higher doses to get the same effects.

Users can face withdrawal symptoms like irritability, anxiety, insomnia, muscle aches, and runny nose.

Users can also feel the psychological dependency of using Kratom to manage their stress, anxiety, or emotional states.

To avoid these risks it is essential to use Krato in moderation, avoid its daily use, and take regular breaks to reset th e tolerance levels.

iii. Legal Status and Regulation in Different Countries:

In some countries, it is illegal to use kratom products. So as a new user, it is essential to check the legal status of Kratom in different countries.

  • United States: In US, Kratom is legal at the national level. But it is banned in some states and cities, including Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Other states have age restrictions on its sale.
  • Canada: In Canada, Kratom is legal. It is sold as an herbal product.
  • European Union: Kratom is banned in several countries, including Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden. In other countries, it is sold with restrictions.
  • Asia: In Thailand, Kratom was historically illegal but has been decriminalized and regulated in recent years. In Malaysia and Myanmar, Kratom remains illegal. In Indonesia, where most Kratom is sourced, it is legal but faces potential future regulation.
  • Australia and New Zealand: Kratom is illegal to have, use, or sell.

Kratom Tips for Beginners

Tips for Beginners:

1. Start Kratom consumption with a low dose:

As a new user, it’s essential to start your consumption with a low dose for a safe and positive experience. You can begin with the 1-2 grams of Kratom. This dose is enough to experience the effects without any side effects. If you want to increase your dose, you can increase it by 0.5 grams at a time.

2. Monitor the effects and adjust the dosage:

After consuming Kratom, it is essential to monitor the response of your body to avoid the side effects. You can keep a journal of the doses you have taken, the type of Kratom you used, and the effects you experienced. Based on this data, you need to make adjustments in your doses. If you feel nausea, dizziness, or headaches, you need to reduce your dose or take a break.

3. Ensure the quality of Kratom:

Using good quality Kratom is important for safety and positive effects. So when choosing vendors, check their reviews on the web, their sourcing methods, and their lab testing. The trustworthy vendors have all the information about the origin of their Kratom and proof of third party testing. Avoid low quality products with unusually low prices and unclear product descriptions. Keep in mind that low quality Kratom can cause health risks. As a new user, you can join online communities and forums to get recommendations for trusted vendors from experienced users. Reviews from experienced users can help you choose an effective brand depending on your needs. Above all, check the certifications, like American Kratom Association’s Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) program or other, to ensure that the vendor has followed high quality standards and safety.

If you have diabetes, blood pressure problems, or any other conditions, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting to use Kratom.


So, here you have it. A complete guide about Kratom for the beginners. In this article, we’ve seen the types of Kratoms, benefits and side effects of using Kratom, ways to consume Kratom, and some tips that will help you choose and consume Kratom in right way. We hope you enjoyed this article and find it helpful.

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